A cycle of 13 images of two young people in a challenging and changing world.
Their adventure revisits the classic "hero's journey" through trials, struggle, success and celebration.
Images by Carl Patow and Text by Carl Patow and Jane Holliday Wilson
Available as prints, brilliant reverse printed poly-carbonate panels and as an accordion book.

And so, we quietly drift in the endless stream of space and time.

Something’s changed. What is going on! What is disturbing our peace?

We move quickly, But a fearsome unknown feels close at our heels.

We are surrounded. Do we have the courage? Or not?

Suddenly we are flung into chaos. The known world shatters.

We must be brave. We need to keep going. We turn fear to courage.

Our frantic search reveals a way. What lies ahead?

A nest. A place to rest and feel secure. We mend our souls.

Refreshed and restored, a new truth is revealed.

Hooray! We made it! The fearsome unknown is no more.

A call comes from within. It’s time to journey home.

What was, has passed. We see with new eyes, and begin again.
Archival inkjet photographic prints, 12 x 12 inches on Red River Aurora Art White 300 archival paper. Also available as 16 x 16 inch reverse printed images on poly-carbonate, with wall mount or table stand. Custom sizes available. A limited edition hand-made accordion book is also available. Please contact carlpatow@carlpatow.com for purchase.